Battlegrounds Mobile India has brought its first esports tournament that will start next month. The registration process has begun and the prize pool of this tournament is Rs.1 Crore. Krafton has officially announced the tournament last week and has disclosed the format of the games.
The registration is started now, so if you want to take part in the tournament then register yourself for BGMI India Series 2021.
How to Register for BGMI India Series 2021?
Everyone can register for this tournament. Follow the given steps to take part in the competition.
- First, visit the official BGMI Website (The link will open the BGMI India series page)
- Click on Register now
- Enter the Team Details
- Enter the required details like BGMI ID, Name, Email address, contact number, and more.
- Fill in the same details for your whole squad (Team)
- Click on Create Team
- Now, tap on the Registration button, and you are done.
- A successful registration email and popup will be received.
The developers have allowed to add one extra player in the registration form, if any of your teammates can’t play then you can add the extra player in the match.
ALSO READ: BGMI India Series 2021 Tournament to Start from 2 August, Prize Money of Rs. 1 Crore
Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 Tournament Format
The matches of the tournament will start from 2nd August and the finals will be on 10th October. The tournament is divided into five parts, check out the details below.
2nd August to 8th August | 17th August to 12th September | 16th September to 26th September | 30th September to 3rd October | 7th October to 10th October |
1024 Teams Qualify | 64 Teams Qualify | 24 Teams Qualify | 16 Teams Qualify | WINNER |
Everyone can register for the tournament from which the top 1024 teams will be selected in the first phase. After that, from those teams, 64 teams will be qualified to next round. Then 24 teams will enter in the Quarterfinals, 16 teams in Semifinals, and then Winner.
Make sure you register before 2nd August, then players need to play 15 matches with the other registered teams.
Minimum Requirements for Registration
This tournament is only for Indian players. Here are few requirements that need to be considered.
- Only Indian players can register.
- You can play matches only on mobile phones. Using tablets, emulators, triggers, and controllers are not allowed.
- Players must have ranked Platinum V or above with a level 15 account.
- You can register with only one team.
Prize Money of BGMI India Series 2021 Tournament
The tournament has huge prize money of Rs. 1 Crore. From that, the Winning team will get Rs. 50 Lakh.
- Winner: Rs. 50 Lacs
- Second: Rs. 25,00,000
- Third: Rs. 10,00,000
- Fourth: Rs. 3,00,000
- Fifth: Rs. 2,00,000
- Sixth: Rs. 1,50,000
- Seventh: Rs. 1,00,000
- Eighth: Rs. 90,000
- Ninth: Rs. 80,000
- Tenth: Rs. 70,000
- Eleventh: Rs. 60,000
- Twelfth: Rs. 50,000
- Thirteenth:Rs. 40,000
- Fourteenth: Rs. 30,000
- Fifteenth: Rs. 20,000
- Sixteenth: Rs. 10,000
Other Rewards are:
- MVP: Rs. 1,00,000
- The Longer Range: Rs. 50,000
- The Rampage Freak: Rs. 50,000
- Most finishes by a Squad: Rs. 50,000
- The Reedemer: Rs. 50,000
So, if you want to take part in the tournament, make your squad ready and check the minimum requirements, if everything is fine then immediately register.
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